TG Project

The Company will hold a 50% interest in ~160,000km2 of hydrocarbon exploration permit applications in the Northern Territory*. The Company is progressing the permits through the grant process and has adopted a prioritised approach on the basis of prospectivity.

*subject to the satisfaction of conditions precedent under a binding Heads of Agreement, the Company will hold a 50% interest in the permits through holding 50% of the shares in NT Holdco which is the owner of 100% of the shares in Territory Gas Pty Ltd, which in turn owns 100% of the shares in NT Gas Aust Pty Ltd and Territory Gas Aust Pty Ltd where the tenement applications are held.

Portfolio Overview

  • 30 applications for petroleum exploration permits (EPs) within the Northern Territory, encompassing ~160,000 km2 of gross permit area
    • The Company will hold a 50% interest in the EP applications through an incorporated joint venture with McKam Aust Pty Ltd
  • Large acreage positions neighbouring licenses held by Origin, Santos, Empire Energy, Blue Energy and Armour Energy/McArthur Oil & Gas
    • Successful drilling and flow tests carried out by regional players continue to de-risk commercial potential
  • Significant Velkerri shallow shale areas up to 700m thick with large gas-in-place volumes and high liquids content as discovered in surrounding wells (wet gas window)1
  • Bessie Creek sandstone formations of up to 30m thickness prospective for conventional gas1

1 Source: Summary of the Prospectivity of Certain Exploration Permits, Queensland and the Northern Territory, Australia (ERCE)

Northern Territory Map
TG Project

Prioritised Permits and Prospectivity Potential

EP(A) 257 (7,255 km2): Located in Greater MacArthur Basin – both conventional / unconventional prospectivity. Potential gas in the Limmen sandstone and likely presence of the Velkerri Shale, which is being targeted by Origin, Santos and Empire Energy

EP(A) 258/259 (3,812 km2): South of known discoveries within the Velkerri / Kyalla Shales, and conventional Moroak / Bessie Creek Sandstone reservoirs, on edge of Greater MacArthur Basin

EP(A) 261 (3,218 km2): Located within the South Nicholson Basin with stratigraphic play potential

EP(A) 265/277 (33,837 km2): Surrounding the Murraba Basin, similar stratigraphy is found within the producing Amadeus Basin

EP(A) 279/280 (26,830 km2): Located on the edge of the Amadeus basin, nearby the producing Surprise oil field. Conventional prospectivity from similar plays to the Surprise field is apparent

Permit Prospectivity Potential (1)
Area (km2) Unit Thickness (m)
EP(A) 257 896 Lissoy Sandstone 20-50
1,247 Betts Creek Coals 5-20
1,247 Toolebuc Shale 10-20
EP(A) 258 3,328 Velkerri Formation 300-500
Bessie Creek Sandstone 3-15
Limmen Standstone 5-40
EP(A) 259 3,328 Velkerri Formation 500-700
Bessie Creek Sandstone 5-30
EP(A) 279 596 Velkerri Formation 500-700
Bessie Creek Sandstone 5-30
EP(A) 280 1229 Lower Stairway Sandstone 15-20
EP(A) 261 629 Lower Stairway Sandstone 15-20
Permit Potential Prospective Area (km(2)) Approximate Sedimentary Thickness (m)
EP(A) 261 936 300
EP(A) 265 1,275 600
EP(A) 265 218 600e

1. Source: Summary of the Prospectivity of Certain Exploration Permits, Queensland and the Northern Territory, Australia (ERCE)

TG Project

Work Program

  • Prior to grant of applications, the Company will undertake geological & geophysical studies including preparations for 2D seismic acquisition
  • 2D seismic acquisition over the prioritised permits as permits are granted
  • Seismic processing and interpretation, work up drill-ready prospects and resource potential

Contact Us

Level 2, 10 Outram Street
West Perth, WA 6005

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