Clean Energy

The Company recognises the environmental and commercial importance of minimising emissions and pursuing a business model that can adapt to a progressively low carbon world.

Anticipating this ongoing transition and the associated changes in market dynamics, the Company is committed to exploring the potential for viable and complimentary projects on or in the vicinity of its existing asset base that address the following objectives:

Our Approach

Management will adopt a systematic approach to assessing projects that represent the most value accretive options for the Company, taking into account, beyond other factors, physical attributes of the Company’s existing asset footprint, environmental and social impacts, capital and operating costs, and synergies with the Company’s core activities.

Potential projects may include carbon abatement measures, conventional renewable energy generation (such as solar energy, wind energy, biomass and biogas), and production and marketing of clean end products (for example hydrogen, ethanol and ammonia).

Contact Us

Level 2, 10 Outram Street
West Perth, WA 6005

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